Guest Information

Flights (June-September)
Please book your tickets between home and Kodiak (airport code ADQ). Currently, only Alaska Airlines has commercial flights between Anchorage and Kodiak. We hope Ravn Alaska will resume operations to Kodiak soon.
Unless you tell us differently, we will make your flight reservations for the 30-minute flight between Kodiak City and Larsen Bay on our local air taxi (Island Air) and email you a confirmation, instructions and payment information in June.
Plan on arriving in Kodiak by 5:30 pm to catch a 6:30 pm flight to Larsen Bay the evening before your first day of fishing and departing Larsen Bay around 9:00am the morning after your last day of fishing. We recommend booking a flight departing Kodiak to Anchorage and onward no earlier than noon on your departure day.
On Sundays, there is only one flight leaving Kodiak for Larsen Bay (1:00pm) and one flight leaving Larsen Bay for Kodiak (1:30pm) but there are charter opportunities at other times on Sundays for about the same rates as the scheduled flights, depending on your group size.
There are also charter opportunities directly between Anchorage and Larsen Bay. It is significantly more expensive, but a great time saver, so let me know if you'd like more information on this option.
Flights (October-December)
Please book your tickets between home and Kodiak (airport code ADQ). Currently, only Alaska Airlines has commercial flights between Anchorage and Kodiak. We hope Ravn Alaska will resume operations to Kodiak soon.
Unless you tell us differently, we will make your flight reservations for the 30-minute flight between Kodiak City and Larsen Bay on our local air taxi (Island Air) and email you a confirmation, instructions and payment information in September.
Plan on arriving in Kodiak by 2:00 pm to catch a 3:00 pm flight to Larsen Bay the evening before your first day of fishing and departing Larsen Bay around 10:30am the morning after your last day of fishing. We recommend booking a flight departing Kodiak to Anchorage and onward no earlier than 1pm on your departure day.
On Sundays, there is only one flight leaving Kodiak for Larsen Bay (1:00pm) and one flight leaving Larsen Bay for Kodiak (1:30pm) but there are charter opportunities at other times on Sundays for about the same rates as the scheduled flights, depending on your group size.
There are also charter opportunities directly between Anchorage and Larsen Bay. It is significantly more expensive, but a great time saver, so let me know if you'd like more information on this option.
Fishing Licenses
Guests should purchase fishing licenses prior to arrival via the internet at and print a hard copy for use. A fishing license (including a King Salmon stamp, if targeted) is required for each guest. If you would prefer to have licenses available for sale at the lodge, please let us know in advance and we are happy to accommodate.
Regarding King Salmon stamps, we recommend purchasing one for trips in June and July. August-December we do often catch late kings, or feeder kings, but I recommend NOT purchasing a stamp in advance. Instead, purchase a stamp at the lodge if we are having success with kings during your stay. The price is the same as the Fish & Game website. You do not need to let me know in advance for the king salmon stamp, we always stock plenty.
Hunting Licenses
Guests should purchase all required licenses, tags, tickets and stamps prior to arrival. Or, if you let me know in advance, I can have them available for purchase at the lodge.
Non-resident Deer hunters require four items
1) Annual Hunting License
2) Big Game Locking Tag
3) Big Game Tag Record (comes with the tag)
4) Harvest Ticket
Alaska residents do not need a Big Game Locking Tag. All can be purchased online at The link for purchasing hunting licenses is on the home page. The link for Harvest Tickets is under the “Hunting� tab. The Hunting License and Harvest Ticket must be printed at time of purchase. The tag is sent in the mail, so please be sure to allow enough time for receipt.
Duck hunters require a
1) Hunting License (same license as for deer)
2) Alaska Waterfowl stamp
3) Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp.
The first two are available at and can be printed at time of purchase. The federal stamp is available at most Post Offices and sporting goods stores. Some states allow online purchases of Federal Duck Stamps. Please visit to see if your state is one of them. If so, be sure to allow enough time to receive the stamp in the mail.
Clothing and Gear
Please be prepared for any weather from 30-70F. We recommend dressing in layers, with the outside layer being waterproof. Spinning rods and tackle for both fresh and saltwater fishing are provided. River fishing requires waders or hip boots with non-felt soled boots. Bear viewers may need waders or hip boots as well depending on the time of year. If you need to borrow waders or hip boots, please let me know your sizes in advance and we will have them available (size chart below). For saltwater trips, we recommend raingear and waterproof shoes. We have rain gear available to borrow if needed. Polarized sunglasses are also recommended both for spotting fish and safety purposes. Don't forget your swimsuit for the hot tub during fishing season and the sauna all seasons! A complete list of recommended gear is available on our website
Please note that we do not sell or provide alcohol at the Lodge and it is not sold anywhere in Larsen Bay. You are welcome to bring your own wine, beer and liquor from home, or ship it to us in advance, or purchase it in Kodiak on your way to the Lodge. The local Air Taxis have a shuttle van that can take you to the store prior to your flight to Larsen Bay. There are also taxis and rental cars available at the airport. It is an 8 minute drive to the liquor store.
Freshwater Flyouts
Saltwater fishing is all-inclusive. Fishing at freshwater rivers and lakes is available for an additional $250 per person per day. Fly-out hunting is also available for an additional $250 per day.
Fish Cleaning and Packaging
All of your catch will be filleted, cleaned, vacuum sealed and flash frozen on- site. If you have a preference regarding portion size or fillet size please confer with your guide. At the end of your stay we will box and label your catch into wet-locked and lined fish boxes that will not exceed 50 pounds each. You can then transport them as checked baggage on your flight home (recommended) or we can help you make shipping arrangements out of Kodiak via FedEx or UPS (averages $250 per box).
Deer and Duck Processing
As the hunts are unguided, you are responsible for processing your own deer and ducks. We provide the hanging facilities and packaging materials. The majority of hunters cape and quarter the deer, freeze it, and take it home in our wet-locked and lined boxes for more detailed butchering.
Gratuities are an important and integral part of the guides and crew compensation. Industry standard ranges from 15% to 20% of the package price and may be paid at final billing by cash, check or credit card. Tips are shared amongst the crew. Our team strives to make your stay with us exceed your expectations! Please let us know how we can best achieve that goal.
Wifi is available in the main lodge and throughout the majority of the property. GCI is the only cell provider that is available in Larsen Bay, but most cell phones work over wifi. For example, iPhones have a “wifi calling� feature that will allow your phone to work over wifi as if it were connected to a cellular network.
Billing and payment are handled the night before your departure. Credit cards incur a 3% merchant services fee. If flight arrangements need to be made or altered please ask one of our house staff for assistance. They will facilitate the process and make sure your needs are met. If you have time in Kodiak either before or after your stay we are happy to provide information on hotels and activities.
We sincerely hope you enjoy your stay at Larsen Bay Lodge. We pride ourselves on being the best in the business and show this through our dedication to your individual needs. Please ask our staff if you have any questions and consider yourselves family during your stay.
Thank you,
Mike Carlson
US Shoe Size
Inseam Range*
Weight Range (lb)
Height Range
* Measure crotch to floor ** Largest measurement chest, waist or hips.
Measurements refer to body size, not garment dimensions and provide a guide that fits most body styles. Adjustable suspenders and belts allow customization to fit approximately +/- three inches in width and height.
We have Wade Boots: Men’s sizes 7-13 (roughly translates to women’s 8-13)
We have Hip Boots: Men’s sizes 4-15 (roughly translates to women’s 6-14)